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The Freelance Blog

Freelance is not a bad job. I think you should try it. How about the project? Don't worry, you can get all of them in the internet. Or event from your neighbour. You just need to search, and finish them. The project waiting for you on the outside there.

I believe you can do that. And you shoul believe it too if you can do that. No body perfect. But there so much person to try the best they can to be perfect. Every body have their own ablility, and so you do.

Just try it.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Why They Hire Freelance Programmer???

Are you a freelance programmer and wondering where to get your next business? Or do you want to be one, but don’t have the nerve to face some unknown challenges that await ahead?

Don’t loose heart. There is something for you just around the corner. If you are prepared and have the right mix of attitude and aptitude, you will always have businesses coming your way. And if you are lucky, you will come to the point when you will refuse some of them. If that happens, be generous with your fellow freelancers and pass on to them some of the projects overflowing from your side.

Over the couple of years, I have noticed that businesses hire freelance programmers and computer consultants for various reasons. Here some are some of them.

1. To Save

This is perhaps the most common reason why they hire the services of a freelance programmer. Both small and large companies are doing it. Hiring a full-time, permanent programmer to do a quick and small software project is expensive and doing it doesn’t make business sense at all.

2. To Get Things Done

This one is a bit strange. But in some companies, outside programmers or freelancers are much more dedicated and motivated in delivering a software project than their in-house regular programmers. You don’t believe my claims? Try to visit a government agency (in the Philippines) that employs in house programmers and ask them what their projects are. You’ll be surprised at the answers.

3. They Don’t Do It

Companies have this so called core competencies. It’s what they do best. They are leaders in that field. Their customers love them because their services bring incomparable satisfaction.

And software design and development? That’s outside of their core competencies. They are more likely to buy an off-the-shelf software package if they need one. Or hire a local software company to deliver custom-made solutions fit for the company standards. Or, they might need a freelance Crystal Reports Designer who will work with their newly hired MIS Consultant under a six-month contract.

4. They Can’t Do It

No matter how hard they try, they just can’t do it. Their programmers are pressed for a tight deadline. The HR people mistakenly hired a COBOL programmer to do a new Web-based project that features AJAX all over the place.

It could also be that they really have no IT Department to do the software development project that they badly needed.

Enter you. The most popular freelance programmer in your city.

Hey, load that cellphone and be in a hurry to give them a call before somebody else gets the business.

Power to the Freelancers

You see, there will always be a need for your freelance programming service. So, don’t blame the economy, or the President, or your religion, or everyone else around you for not getting a business.

Do your part. Convince the companies that you are fit to do the job. Flex your technical muscles. Prepare the sales pitch that you learned from one of those Zig Ziglar Seminars you have attended last month.

Above all, see to it the you are the guy you can deliver them solutions.